
Debt Collection

Millimo, Muthomi and Company Advocates, specializes in legal services related to the collection of outstanding debts on behalf of creditors. Our firm works with individuals, businesses, and organizations to recover money owed by debtors. Our Firm serves as intermediary between creditors and debtors, using our legal expertise to help creditors recover unpaid debts while ensuring that the collection process is conducted within the bounds of the law. It's important to note that our law firm adheres to the law and follows ethical standards in our collection practices. This include respecting debtor rights, accurately representing the amount owed, and avoiding harassment or unfair tactics.

Areas of Expertise

"we always take care of clients seriously"

Initial Consultation: When a creditor approaches our law firm, they provide information about the debt and any supporting documentation. Our law firm reviews the case to determine its legal merit and the appropriate course of action.

Our law firm sends demand letters to debtors, notifying them of the debt's existence and the intention to collect. These letters often outline the debt's amount, terms, and any legal consequences of non-payment.

Our Firm may negotiate with debtors to reach a settlement or establish a payment plan. We can also discuss terms for restructuring the debt.

If negotiations fail, our law firm may initiate legal action on behalf of the creditor. This can involve filing a lawsuit to obtain a judgment against the debtor.

If a judgment is obtained, our law firm can pursue various legal means to enforce the judgment, such as wage garnishment, bank levies, and liens on the debtor's property.

Our firm may conduct asset searches to locate a debtor's assets that can be seized to satisfy the debt.

In cases where debtors file for bankruptcy, the law firm may represent the creditor in bankruptcy court to protect their interests.

Our law firm prepares legal documents, such as complaints, motions, and court filings, necessary for the debt collection process.

Our law firm maintain regular communication with their creditor clients, providing updates on the progress of the collection efforts and advising on the best legal strategies.

Our firm may conduct research and investigations to gather information about the debtor's financial situation, employment, assets, and other relevant details.

Dispute Resolution: Our law firm engages in mediation or alternative dispute resolution processes to settle debt disputes outside of court.

How Can We Help You?

Millimo, Muthomi and Co. Advocates is committed to providing you with the information and resources you need to navigate your legal concerns. Our goal is to assist you in understanding the legal process, your rights, and how we can support you.


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For Urgent Matters We Can Be Reached At: (0769) 737 900 and (0723) 491 244